So, having said that, I want to start being more productive!
First, I'd like to re-design my website, but everyone knows what a huge obsticale that is. Originally, I wanted the new layout to be an early 60s Diner. I still like this idea, however, now I have a slightly different idea for the design/layout.
Here is a really rough test drawing of what I originally *sort of* had in mind (note: this is no longer what I am shooting for. I've got a different idea now)

Aside from the website revamping, David Gemmill & I are currently working on a freelance Nickelodeon project. The director of the project, Savage Steve Holland, is a super nice guy. He is giving us a LOT of artistic freedom, which is totaly awesome. What David & I are doing is creating character designs for the project, and now we are in the process of creating animatics for the lines of dialogue that were sent to us. There will be a total of three 20-30 second animated segments.
So far, Steve really likes the work we are doing, & his only real instruction is to "make the animation funny!" And that is exactly what David & I are trying to do :)
I will post some screen shots of the animatic & maybe some character designs very very soon!