Wednesday, February 28, 2007

some dogs


alexis said...

i think you mean "and some littles..."

david said...

nice work on the eyes. hahahaha the dogs are great. i like the trex hands in the bottom one and the crazy dragon tongue dog in the right corner.

katzenjammer studios said...

Haha, I like the dog on tweek in the lower left. Do you make a conscious effort to draw in lots more styles than the regular cartoony stuff?

Kenny P. said...

You're damn versatile!

Anonymous said...

Which is the dog, and which is your girlfriend?


Ryan Khatam said...

katz: yeah sorta, which is why i've been studying wood & decarlo. i'm slowly trying to learn new styles from classic artists that i like (in order to improve my drawing ability)

alexis said...

haha i hope "john" is implying that i look like a dog.

because if he is implying that your drawings of dogs and people look exactly the same, he is a fool!

Freshyfresh said...

This sketches are great, your girlfriend must be lucky to have such a talented guy like you!
The dog drawings are great too! I like the crazy Goofy!

Benjamin Arcand said...

Nice "girlfriend" sketch.
The dog with the T-Rex hands is my favorite.