Up Chuk has a healthy pair of orangutan arms in the midst of his book-rage! That bodes well for your pilot. I don't know about anyone else, but, from this screenshot, I foresee a book burning scene. Possibly with a urination sub-plot.
'anonymous', you are correct - a single frame animation would be pretty boring. That is very insightful of you, and I think you should go share your findings with the television networks.
Cant wait to see the whole thing.
Wow!!.. It looks really good!!.. I want to see the work done!!..
Not to be too greedy... but more please :)
I admire you.
Up Chuk has a healthy pair of orangutan arms in the midst of his book-rage! That bodes well for your pilot. I don't know about anyone else, but, from this screenshot, I foresee a book burning scene. Possibly with a urination sub-plot.
'anonymous', you are correct - a single frame animation would be pretty boring. That is very insightful of you, and I think you should go share your findings with the television networks.
Great!!! I want to see more!!!!!=D
Looks really good. I cannot wait any longer!!
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