Sunday, November 16, 2008

kiss them they need love


Anonymous said...

meh, I'd bang the two in the bottom left corner. The two in the upper left corner are gonna give me nightmares though.

chrisallison said...

YES! ugly chick studies. can't wait to see what this is for!

crsP said...

I had no idea you hung out with supermodels.

TH3DEN said...

nice!! i mean uhhh! well you get what i'm trying to say. also due to your hilarious nature i have also tagged you!! check out my blog for the rules. :D also i totally agree with the first poster!

Mike Moloney said...

the gums....dear god. Haha fun drawings, i've been on your blog before, really cool stuff. Hope your ready for a full day of rotoscoping.....*shoots face off*

James said...

You got some ugly biddies right there. Goofy people are the best to draw, and I think you hit the mother load.

Anonymous said...

You're a very immature person.

Unknown said...

Fuck off Anonymous.

The most immature people on earth are those who are the most creative.

Great once again Ryan.

bog_art said...

Of course they do, but I pass.. haha..

Shawn Dickinson said...

Gweat schuff! Gweat schtuff!

Man, those Guillermo Divito studies in your last post are amazing! I just discovered his work a couple months ago, and I've been obsessed ever since. I think he's currently one of my favorite artists!

Anyway, good work!

Mike Moloney said...

HEY!....did you roto these?




STUNNING DRAWINGS, I'll keep my dance card OPEN.


Anonymous said...

ahhhhhh! heheheh nice.

Unknown said...

Coool sketch!

Benjamin Arcand said...


Freshyfresh said...

LOL, Thats our glamour stars before they use Photoshop!XD